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Prayers of the Faithful

17 Mar

“The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 18:19

This is a post of honesty – a post of laying out my soul before you….

Last week, I was overcome with a spirit of great discouragement. I didn’t know exactly where it came from but it just consumed me. I couldn’t get a grip and felt overwhelmed beyond all hope. Fear and anger started to creep in, ungratefulness was all too easy to give into, and tears just kept flowing. To make matters worse, a close and precious relative passed away and our family had to deal with the loss.

I knew I had to trust in Jesus as my All in All but I just couldn’t. I knew I should be counting my blessings but I just didn’t want to. I knew I should put a smile on my face but I just felt like it would be a mask to cover up all that was stewing inside my heart.

I was scared that these powerful emotions were going to take its effect and send me spiraling downward. I knew my faith was grounded in the Lord but I was scared that I’d end up losing my passion in believing that God is control, He cares and loves me, He will perform the very best in my life, and He will provide for my every need and emotion.

I was too weak and feeble to stand alone. I knew God would never leave me or forsake me and that His grace and strength would be there for me. But I also knew that God brings Christian brothers and sisters along to help us in our walk with Him. He puts them in our lives as a helping hand, a shoulder to cry on, an extra source of motivation, and basically a strong support system. We all make up the body of Christ and one member cannot do without the other.

So I reached out to some close friends who I knew would take my burden to the Lord and pray for me and with me.

God used their prayers as a shield around my soul. Even though nothing happened instantaneously, I knew they were praying for me and that was enough. I sit here thankful that my God is there for me and so is the body of Christ. I may still struggle, I may still have times of discouragement but God’s grace is enough and I’m surrounded by the love and compassion of people that God has put in my life to make it easier to go skipping down the straight and narrow path singing a happy song!

So next time you may feel overwhelmed, reach out to those who are walking the same path with you. Ask for help; ask for prayer. You may be amazed what power comes when two or three are gathered together with the same desire – God is in the midst!

Just another one….

16 Sep

It’s just another update! I feel like all I do now is give updates on life’s happenings. I haven’t had much of a reason to be taking pics – there haven’t been any momentous holidays or celebrations…..just normal life. Although, I’m not so sure normal life is how you would categorize the Smith household – haha! Life is always full of adventure and surprises.

~~~~Some exciting news is that we found out that it’ll be a baby boy we all will be welcoming into the family! Yes, that’s right – Thomas and Robin are expecting a son the beginning of December. Our precious sweetheart Anna Lynne will be a big sister to little Jeremy Thomas. Robin is in good health although often tired. Who can blame her?! She’s an excellent wife to her husband and runs around after Anna who can’t get enough of toddling around the house now that she’s walking.

~~~~ We are very grateful and praising the Lord that our house wasn’t destroyed in the recent flood our city has just suffered from. It was a very big scare and came unexpectedly! The last flood here that devastated hundreds of households was back in 1972 and the devastation was significant.  We received about 3 months worth of rain in 5 days which made the river rise to a height where it could very easily surpass the dike that protects our home. Because of the oncoming danger of flood waters, we were forced to evacuate our home and went to live with my brother Sam and his wife for a few days. We packed as much as we could of our most precious possessions but there was only so much we could do in a short amount of time. The river kept rising and the predictions were that it would be worse than ever expected. We waited anxiously and prayed. Thankfully, due to the authorities miscalculation of the height of the dike – we were spared by inches! Eventually, the levee began to leak profusely because of the strain and pressure of the water which brought another scare for us; but God was in control of that too! We returned home with grateful hearts but continue to pray for those who have lost everything. Many homes in our surrounding areas were completely destroyed. The devastation around us (including my grandparent’s home) is unfathomable. (The picture posted below shows remaining debris left on a bridge, near our home, after the flood waters had subsided.)

On a lighter note, my new job is going great! Of course, as with anything, there can always be some stress and pressure but overall it’s perfect for me! I keep busy doing everything and anything and continue to learn a lot concerning the financial world.

I feel it would be unjust of me not mention just how good God is. I was reminiscing the one day and realized that it’s been over one year since I walked off the plane and entered the city of Beijing China. So much has happened in my life since then. I will be honest and confess that being back home has brought circumstances that have tested me and tried me. But as Jesus leads me in His truth and in His way, my life continues to be strengthened by the trials and testings. I do struggle. I do have times when I just weep before His presence. Yet, there are those times when my heart is ready to burst with joy because of how good, wonderful, precious, and patient my Lord and Saviour is!

So until the next update or awesome celebration, may the Lord keep you close to His side and bless you in phenomenal ways! Enjoy the last few days of summer bliss and embrace with autumn season with a song in your heart! Warm apple cider, crunchy leaves, cozy fireplaces, and warm quilts await us! 🙂


28 May

Someone once said: I can’t brag about my love for God because I fail Him daily, but I can brag about His love for me because it never fails.

How true that is! It humbles me to see God’s hand on, in, and around my life. This is not to say that I’m walking around on a bed of roses and everything goes right for me or that I never “mess up” and have to learn obedience through consequences and hard trials. Quite the contrary!

But despite what a wretch I can be, oftentimes I feel God’s special loving kindness demonstrated in a wonderful way.

Just about two weeks ago, I saw God’s hand of protection. I was in a very bad bicycle accident. It was three days before I needed to fly out to Chicago to help with the Peruvian delegation. I was devastated that of all times this had to happen; and my body was suffering immensely because of it. The brunt of my injuries were on my face specifically the left side. I looked awful. My legs were bashed up. I was in intense pain and my face immediately swelled. I looked like I had been hit by a car or something. I was panic-stricken. I didn’t know how I was going to recuperate and semi-heal before I needed to board a plane and leave. I immediately wanted to say “Why God? You know I’ve been looking forward to seeing all my friends and helping with the delegation and now I have to show up like this! Why would you allow this to happen now? Is it just to humble me?” Then I had the thought of Job. Here was a man who was perfect before God and God allowed him through suffer through intense heart-wrenching hardships. And to add to it all, his body was completely covered with boils! I’m sure he looked grotesque! Yet, he never cursed God. And here I was with just a little mishap. Could I give thanks?

*In a period of seconds, I went from this to this…….










As I rested and medicated my body over the next couple of days, I saw God’s goodness. I was able to get free x-rays and was relieved to know that nothing was broken. Also, even though I suffered major road rash under my left eye – my eye was not affected. As the days went by, my legs turned an awful black and blue but I was able to walk without pain. There was a lot to be thankful for! Even though it is nearly 20 days after the accident and I’m still black and blue with a large red spot on my face (haha!), I see the Lord protected me and allowed a very quick recovery for me to be able to join whole-heartedly in the work at IBLP.

Another instance of God’s love being seen was the evening and day after I returned from Chicago. I was overcome with a severe emotional let down and struggle. I knew my mind and heart were spiraling downward but I just couldn’t put all my hope in the Lord because of my lack of faith. That afternoon, the Lord sent me a HUGE blessing – something I had been desiring and hoping for. I knew down deep in my soul that it was just His way of letting me know I wasn’t forgotten and He loved me. I felt like breakin’ out into a Hallelujah jig! 🙂

For a certainty, family members and friends have blessed my life by their words, thoughtful acts of kindness, and generosity. That’s God’s love being manifested! It can be the ‘darkest of days’ and a friend will send a sweet ‘thinking of you’ text. I know it’s the Lord speaking through them. I can be worrying about a bill being paid but then a relative sends a check and I know it’s the Lord letting me know He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. I can be at my wits end trying to keep 5 kids happy and content but then I get an extra portion of grace. I know it’s God confirming that all things are possible through Him. There are so many instances that His goodness is seen.

I’m sure you can recall time and time again when the Lord has blessed you that it’s just about knocked your socks off! I’d love to hear about it! I just felt the urge in wanting to say “THANK YOU JESUS” because He is good all the time!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

13 Feb

The big news is that this blog has been hit by over 100,000 visitors since switching over from blogspot! I’m amazed!

According to the blog stats, posts have been read all over the United States and as far as Singapore, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Greece, and Malta along with other countries. It’s a fact that I don’t know most of you (I wish it weren’t so 😦  ) but I’m humbled and thankful that you would take the time to keep updated with my current life happenings and the writings of my heart.

I would love to know a bit about you! So if you have just a moment, PLEASE leave a comment and let me know who you are, or maybe a comment on how you initially found this sight, or what has been posted that has encouraged you the most, or perhaps even something that you would like to see more of on this site.

At any rate, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being a friend through the blogosphere! 🙂 This blog often retells the encouragements and joys of my life as well as the disappointments, trials, and lessons that God has brought me through. You have been a part of it and I hope and trust that as time continues to pass, my heart along with yours will be drawn closer to the cross of Christ; and may we all would come to know what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height of the love of Christ which surpasses all human knowledge!

May you all have a wonderful and HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY and never ever forget just how much Jesus Loves YOU! Always remember: Jesus knows me, this I love!

A Celebration of Love

27 Dec


No matter how small or great a gift may be, it truly is an expression of love! Christmas, in our house, was a beautiful time full of smiles and touching moments. Thanking the Lord for His gift to us, receiving a verbal blessing from my parents, exchanging gifts, eating my favorite cookies, all being gathered together under one roof with the people I love….these are just a few of the things that touched my heart and allowed me to see, once again, how very much Jesus loves me!

Mom made a quilted Christmas card-holder for the other Smith household!

We know what he’ll be doing with all that deer meat he got this year! 🙂

My mom surprised me with a quilt she made while I was in China

a preacher can never have too many of these

It’s a touch-screen iPod nano!

Needless to say after opening a little gold box, I was more than pleasantly surprised! 🙂

What a beautiful family

Playing the harp at a Christmas Eve service

Another quilt mom made – she was very busy this year! haha!