There’s a new blog!!!

29 Nov

Simply Sanctified will no longer be updated. I became a wifey to “the man” and have started a new life – so with that comes a new blog! I’ll be posting frequently and hope to reconnect with many of you and be a new friend to many more!

Feel free to check out the new blog “Wowed with Wonder” – the blessings, joys, and happenings in the life of the Abshers! And don’t forget to bookmark the site when you stop by!

Hope to see you there!

I’m Getting Married!

30 Jul

I didn’t realize that it’s been almost one year since my last post but life has certain brought its exciting twists and turns these past months! I wanted to write a new post and this is BIG news and I am super thrilled and blessed!

I will be getting married November 1st, 2014 to a kind and godly man who makes me smile and laugh and brings out the best in me! To love and to be loved is a beautiful thing! There is so much I can share for sure but if you would like to see pictures and read our “Once Upon a Time” story of how we met, please visit our wedding website:

Needless to say, I am very busy as I anticipate my bridal shower, wedding, and life together with the man I hold so dear to my heart so I know for a fact that I probably won’t be blogging much in the next couple of months. But I wanted to be sure to let you, my dear readers, know that God has been so good and has filled my heart with a new song! He has given me one of my heart’s desires….that of belonging to a kind and godly man who will soon be my husband!

John and I would appreciate your prayers as we begin this new journey together. We know for a fact that there will be trials and hardships along the way as we live in a fallen world; but with God’s grace and keeping our focus on Him, true love can make it through anything!

Perhaps when life slows down a bit, I will try to come back to blogging more regularly! So check back but until then, may the Lord bless you abundantly!

Soli Deo Gloria!

Busy as a Bee

19 Aug

Since my resignation from my job, life has been anything but slow and boring! After I returned from my trip to Chicago, I spent a couple of days at home only to do laundry and repack my bags to head to Atlanta, GA! I spent most of the week with my dear cousin and had a blast just relaxing!

time in the gardens

time in the gardens



playing games

photo shoot!

Then we celebrated Anna’s 3rd birthday! Can’t believe how quickly she’s growing up! Makes me feel old – haha! 😉


She really didn't like everyone singing "Happy Birthday". :)

She really didn’t like everyone singing “Happy Birthday”. 🙂

riding her new bike!

riding her new bike!

I love the little man!

I love the little man!

This past weekend, I had the privilege of participating in the 5K Walk for Life that was sponsored by the Pathways Unplanned Pregnancy Center!


kids games and activities

kids games and activities

ready to head out on the walk!

ready to head out on the walk!

So besides all that and little get-togethers, family times, lots of cooking and baking, teaching piano lessons, and participating in music practice at my church – it’s been a full few weeks!

Blessed and Refreshed

26 Jul

Well time certainly flies by and it seems like it has been for me. A few major changes have happened in my life too which also makes life a bit more exciting! One of those changes being that I have resigned from my job. This was a big step for me and required a lot of faith and trust in God  for what may come next but I’m looking forward to see what God is going to do on my behalf. He is ever faithful and has promised to be so!

Because of this change, I had the opportunity to fly out to Chicago to once again minister at IBLP, the former organization I used to serve at three years ago. The girls “Journey to the Heart” was this past week and I was blessed to be one of the team leaders. I had an amazing assistant who helped me tremendously! Our team consisted of 11 sweet girls ranging from 14 to 26 years old. Over the next 10 days, we had a great time seeking the Lord together. There were times of counseling, sharing, praying, reading, singing, fellowshipping, and sometimes just times of laughter or tears. To see God work in hearts and lives is thrilling. There are some that come with past hurts, some with current struggles, and some without a Saviour. We saw young women saved by the grace of God, relationships restored, and hearts revived. I trust that as these women settle back into the normal routine of life, they will continue to walk in freedom and joy as they love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ and those around them.

I stayed for a few extra days here in Chicago to catch up with some old friends – it’s been great. I’ll be heading home for two days and then flying out to Georgia to visit with my uncle and family. I’m certainly enjoying my summer so far and feeling mighty blessed! 🙂

My awesome team!

Session with Mr. Gothard

Group Session up in the Northwoods of MichiganIMG_2133

Such beauty!

Time of singing, sharing, and teaching




Time for some relaxation and fun at Lake Superior!


My awesome assistant!DSC_0070

Group photo with Mr. Gothard and team leaders/assistantsIMG_2188

Revive Tour

23 Jun

This past weekend, my mom and I had the opportunity to take a short trip to Lancaster County for the Revive Tour with Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Nancy from Revive Our Hearts Ministry was finishing her three month on-the-road recording trip. By this time, Nancy had already travelled to Dallas, Houston, Chicago, and other cities recording an upcoming radio series on the names of God that will air the early part of next year. Lancaster was her last and final stop.

We started off Friday evening with a praise and worship session led by Shannon Wexelberg. What an awesome Christian and  exceptionally talented musician! Our hearts were stirred as we focused in exalting Christ and moved in quiet meditation as we focused on our Saviour’s great love! Nancy gave a powerful message that touched many hearts and lives. Tears were shed and hearts were encouraged as Christ met with us.

Our Saturday schedule started off bright and early with the first recording session beginning at 9 AM. Nancy led us into a study on four names of God: Man of Sorrows, Redeemer, Lamb, and Amen. As I sat there listening to the truths of God’s Word , I was blessed. It’s always good to be in the house of God and it is a special treat to be with hundreds of ladies who are seeking to know more of Christ while being taught by such a great woman of faith as Nancy.

Saturday afternoon, there was a luncheon held for women serving in ministry. My mother and I attended and once again enjoyed moments of praise and worship with Shannon, fellowship, and teaching. A special bonus was being able to listen to Nancy play a beautiful hymn composition on the piano!

Coming home, I could sense that the Lord was tugging at my heart. I know that I’ve been a bit lackadaisical in my pursuit after Christ. I know He hasn’t changed but my heart has. I don’t want to remain where I’m at – No! I want to consistently be moving forward, ever growing, and ever changing for my Saviour’s glory and praise!

I’m so thankful for the godly influences God puts in my life to spur me on and keep my encouraged! I’m blessed for Biblical teaching to keep me on course. And most of all, I’m thankful for a Saviour who loves me unconditionally and is ever so merciful!

Shannon Wexelberg

Shannon Wexelberg

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Nancy Leigh DeMoss



Shannon and me between recording sessions

…in between recording sessions

Leadership Luncheon

Leadership Luncheon

a non-blurry pic :)

a non-blurry pic 🙂